Maximizing Trust Income: ATO’s Advice on Year-End Trustee Resolutions

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With the end of the financial year approaching, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has provided important guidance for trustee clients seeking to allocate trust income to beneficiaries for the 2023 income year. To ensure effective resolutions and prevent unintended consequences, trustees must pay close attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Review Your Trust Deed: Start by thoroughly examining your trust deed to confirm that the intended beneficiaries fall within the class of individuals entitled to trust income. Additionally, if you plan to allocate a capital gain that is not considered income, ensure the beneficiaries are within the class of trust capital recipients. Take note of any exclusions that may prevent certain individuals from being beneficiaries.
  2. Comply with Trust Deed Requirements: Trustees must adhere to any provisions outlined in the trust deed regarding the valid appointment or distribution of trust income to beneficiaries. Compliance with these requirements is crucial to ensure the legitimacy of the resolutions and avoid any potential disputes or challenges.
  3. Presently Entitle Beneficiaries by 30 June: For tax purposes, beneficiaries must be made presently entitled to trust income before 30 June of the relevant year. This deadline is essential to establish the beneficiaries’ entitlements and determine their tax obligations accordingly. Failing to meet this requirement may lead to unexpected outcomes that differ from your original intentions.
  4. Understand the Consequences of Non-compliance: Failure to follow the trust deed requirements or appoint income by the specified deadline can have significant repercussions. It may result in other beneficiaries being assessed on a share of the trust’s net taxable income or even subject the trustee to the top rate of tax. Avoid such unfavorable scenarios by taking proactive measures and adhering to the necessary guidelines.
  5. Ensure Unambiguous Resolutions: When crafting trustee resolutions, clarity is key. Ambiguity can lead to confusion or misinterpretation, potentially causing complications down the line. Make sure the resolutions leave no room for doubt, clearly stating the beneficiaries, the income to be allocated, and any specific entitlements, such as franked dividends or capital gains.

By following these guidelines, trustee clients can effectively allocate trust income and prevent any unintended tax consequences. If you require further assistance or clarification, consult with a professional advisor to ensure compliance and maximize the benefits for both trustees and beneficiaries.

At Hodkinson Accounting, our team of experts is here to provide comprehensive guidance on trust-related matters and help you navigate the intricacies of year-end trustee resolutions. Contact us today to ensure a seamless and optimized approach to managing trust income.

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#MaximizingTrustIncome #ATOGuidance #YearEndResolutions #TrusteeAdvice #YourAccountingPartner

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